Laboratory Testing

Examination Description
AOSA Purity Purity analysis conducted according to AOSA Rules for Testing Seed, includes All-States Noxious bulk exam. Pure seed, other crop seed, inert, and weed seed reported
Canadian Purity Seed is analyzed according to the Canadian Grade Tables for the specific contaminants and requirements required for export into Canada. This may not include a percentage of pure seed by weight, depending on grade table, but this information may be included on customer request.
Germination Seed is grown out and evaluated according to either the AOSA Rules or Canadian Methods and Procedures to provide a percent germination based on the number of seeds planted. AOSA testing requires 400 seeds for germination testing, Canada germination tests may be conducted on 200 seeds. Germination report also includes any dormancy breaking procedures applied, percent of abnormal seedlings, and types of abnormal seedlings observed in addition to the information required by AOSA.
Mill check A quick purity exam based on AOSA purity weight to help cleaners establish proper settings. A smaller amount may be examined for samples with heavy contamination. Does not include a bulk exam.
Phytosanitary Visual Inspection Can only be conducted on a sealed submitted sample, drawn by an accredited agency such as ODA, NSHS, ISTA, or AASCO. Examination for the specific visible organisms defined as harmful by the designated country or consignee.
Seed Count Seed counted according to AOSA Rules for testing seeds and reported as a number per pound and number per kilogram.
Soil Exam An exam for loose soil in a sample, which is reported both as weight and percent found in the bulk amount of seed.
Soil & Sclerotia The bulk amount is examined for soil, sclerotia, and/or ergot. Each contaminant is reported by weight and as a percent by weight.
Tetrazolium / TZ A quick viability test, used to determine potential viability of a sample. Tetrazolium testing typically takes 1-3 days depending on species, is not suitable for labeling. TZ testing may also be used to determine the percentage of dormant seed found at the end of a germination test.
Thousand Seed Weight /TKW A representative sample is counted and weighed and reported as approximate weight of 1000 seeds.
Universal Mill Check A comprehensive mill check for all contaminants, all other seeds, inert, soil, sclerotia, ergot, and special categories such as sizing, partially decorticated, broken, or off-color seed conducted on AOSA bulk amount. Please contact lab for pricing.
Weed Search Bulk examination for a specific crop, weed, or noxious weed. Only the specific species requested is reported. Can be conducted in conjunction with AOSA purity exam.